Get to know Larry
Larry Clay has been a sports addict since he was a small child.
He was a dedicated student of ice hockey and was mostly self-taught through television and periodicals, until his teenage years when he discovered a group of high school classmates searching for a hockey coach.
During the decade that followed, he took on various roles; coach, referee, and hockey school administrator, eventually moving to the retail industry, where he spent 30 years as a supplier of ice hockey equipment.
Mr. Clay's long career touched all aspects of hockey and he developed many relationships with players at all levels. He had a part in many formidable hockey stories that readers will find interesting - and sometimes surprising. His first hockey book is written as a memoir & divided into chapters that could be mini-books in themselves.
With a blunt, direct, and sometimes critical style, Larry Clay takes you "Behind the Orange Curtain" to places sports enthusiasts, Philadelphia Flyers fans, NHL fans, and hockey fanatics will not expect to go. He is full of strong opinions and enjoys giving his readers something to think about.

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